Tuesday, 13 September 2011

poster analysis - Twilight

The dominating colour of this poster is black which creates a sinister atmosphere automatically letting the onlooker know that this film is more of a drama rather than a light hearted film. Taking up almost the entire poster are the two main characters this message us portrayed to the onlooker by having them centered and large. We have a boy and a girl which tells the audience that a main component of the story will be the romance between them. We get the impression of romance from the girl's solemn and loving look and the affectionate hand placed on the bout. Her colouring is in warm tones with her amber hair and red lips which gives her a wholesome feel. The boy's body eaining over her giving an imposing presence making it clear that he is the dominant character and person in the relationship. He also has a sickly pale colouring and oddly coloured eyes which are the beginnings of supernatural connotations.
The tag line 'when you can live forever...' also reiterates supernatural connotations. It is placed by the face of the male so it is easy to deduce from this (and his over all look) that he is the one who can 'live forever.' It is also written in a small off white font that can suggest light in darkness with regards to the story and the poster itself.
The name of the film is positioned on the right hand bottom corner and is in the Zephyr font which teamed with the glistening effect added gives supernatural connotations. The name is also in a white colour which appears to be gleaming like a star adding to the eerie atmosphere.
Beneath the film's title we then have the theatre release date, also following the same font and the film's website website which is small but noticeable as whenever the release date is looked at, the website is seen, and whilst the poster does tell us much about the film, a supernatural love story between an immortal male and innocent young female, it is still ambiguous so if the onlooker wished to know more they would be able to on the website.

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